I hate Mondays!!!

28 January, 2008

Arrrggghhh! It’s one of those Sunday late nights / Monday early mornings again! Probaby the worst moments of the whole week… These moments are filled with haunted thoughts that tomorrow begins another difficult working week, so fuckin’ sad…

Anyways I wanted to do this illustration for some time now, in fact since I’ve begun on my new job, from the beginning of the year, cause that is how I feel every Monday morning, or every morning of the week more like. I never can go to bed early on Sunday nights. The earliest I’ve hit the bed on a Sunday night was 3:00 o clock in the morning, the usual is about 4:00 or 5:00 which leaves me roughly about 2-3 hours of sleep. Monday is like hell for me. And I won’t crank up my mind till I have my first glass of cold frappe coffee in the morning. Read the rest of this entry »